Alex + Marita = Luv4ever
Aww...quality time...

It's only fitting that two most misunderstood characters on the show should find solace in each other's arms. And the most convincing reason I've heard so far for them being together, is that both their last names are almost *always* misspelled.

As far as I can tell, there isn't a single site entirely dedicated to these two. But there is a small but growing number of Marita fans. "Fan" is a term I use liberally here, she appears to have the same scattered following that Krycek does. Some people like her because they think she's innocent, and some people like her because they think she isn't. Me..I'm just dedicated to Krycek's cause, thank you. But I think he has good taste.

Interested in something to pass the time? Not particularly a fan of Marita's? If you are known for plotting her demise, and on the weekends, enjoy word games, you might want to pause and sample the The Marita C. Hangwoman Game

I've never had any doubt that X-Files would make an excellent musical. And no show would be complete without Marita, Marita, Marita.

The Society Of Marita Covarrubias Haters

Mulderwear Brigade + Marita Death Squad

Marita's Cargo Cult

The Beehive

Marita Lovers Anonymous

The Marita Covarrubias Fan Page

Blonde Goddess Defense League

*Home* Krycek* Lea* X-Files*